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SQL to Get a Grander Gateway

Summer is coming, and so is a new gateway sign to lead the way to San Carlos Airport. Motorists turning onto Airport Way from Redwood Shores Parkway will soon be greeted by a new monument sign.

Sign features include aluminum-fabricated “San Carlos Airport” lettering and silhouettes of an adult, children, and an airplane. The sign will be illuminated by solar-powered LED lighting. The area surrounding the sign will be landscaped with drought tolerant plants.

Overall, the project will beautify the entrance to both San Carlos Airport and the adjacent Redwood Shores community.

“We are so excited that San Carlos Airport will soon have a grander gateway sign installed,” said Gretchen Kelly, County of San Mateo Airports Manager.

The new sign will sit low to the ground and about 30 feet from the road for improved visibility, and will warmly welcome San Carlos Airport visitors for years to come.


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