Listening and Learning

The Friendly Approach program makes it easy for community members to have their aircraft-related questions answered in two simple ways:

1.  Complete and submit a comment online here, or

2.  Call the Noise Comment Hotline at (844) 266-6266.

The more detail you provide about the aircraft operation—including time of day, full street address including ZIP Code, and the reason for the concern—the easier it will be for airports’ staff to review the comment, and respond if requested.

All comments shared online and via the Noise Comment Hotline will be added to a database, and will be shared in quarterly reports that will be evaluated and discussed by County leadership. The data allows airports’ and County staff and members of the Board of Supervisors to analyze topics and trends related to aircraft operational comments and to continue to enhance the Friendly Approach program.  

Airport neighbors can review noise program statistics on the County of San Mateo Airports’ website here. The website shares year-to-date data through August 2022. Airports’ staff are currently working to refresh the website and we look forward to sharing a new and improved version with our community in the coming months.