Reinvesting in Our Airports’ Runways and Taxiways

— Pavement Rehab Projects Planned at Both HAF and SQL; On-Airport Businesses Will Remain Open During the Airfield Construction —

Ongoing maintenance and periodic rehabilitation of runways, taxiways and other areas that aircraft land, taxi and park on are priority investments for airports. Rehab projects will extend the life of the runways at both Half Moon Bay Airport (HAF) and San Carlos Airport (SQL), and the taxiways that connect to the runway at SQL. To ensure the safety of personnel and equipment working on the airfields, the airport operations areas were or will be closed for multiple days during construction as follows:

HAF Runway Pavement Rehabilitation Project

Runway 12/30 at HAF was under construction for one week, August 14-18, 2023. The runway was reopened one day early, and the project was completed on budget. Runway improvements included:

  • Crack filling
  • Slurry seal application
  • New pavement markings

HAF tenants that required temporary tie-down parking for their aircraft were accommodated.

Learn more about the HAF project.

SQL Runway and Connector Taxiways Pavement Rehabilitation Project

Beginning on September 11, 2023, SQL’s Runway 12/30 and connector taxiways will be closed for 30 days for pavement rehabilitation, with expected reopening on October 11. Following the closure period, airport users should anticipate periodic taxiway closures and/or night-time airport closures for up to an additional 30 consecutive days.

The San Carlos Airport Runway & Connector Taxiways Pavement Rehabilitation Project will address significant pavement edge cracking on the runway and taxiway connectors, and will include:

  • Replacing runway and connector taxiway edge pavement
  • Stabilizing soil in the infields
  • Improving drainage
  • Upgrading airport-owned airfield lighting to LED 
  • Crack sealing, seal coat, and restriping. 

During the closure period:

  • Airport tenants and users will be able to access hangars
  • SQL tenants that require temporary tie-down parking for their aircraft will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis at HAF.

Learn more about the SQL project.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which is funding a significant portion* of the up to $13 million in projects, requires federally funded airports to maintain runway and taxiway pavement in a safe and serviceable condition.

“The County of San Mateo Airports team appreciates our users’ understanding as we focus on maintaining the highest safety and operational standards at both Half Moon Bay and San Carlos airports,” said Gretchen Kelly, Interim Deputy Director, Department of Public Works – Administration & Airports.

“It’s also important for the community to know that the airports’ businesses, including the Pilot Light Cafe at Half Moon Bay Airport and the Sky Kitchen restaurant at San Carlos Restaurant will remain open during their regularly scheduled business hours while the airfields are under construction,” Gretchen continued.

For questions about the HAF and SQL projects, or to request temporary aircraft tie-down parking, please email or call [email protected] or (650) 573-3700.

*Project funding:
FAA grants – 90%
County of San Mateo Airports’ operating funds – 10%